The best way to prepare for workplace medical emergencies is to be certified in first aid and CPR. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This presentation is a two-part series that will emphasize the importance of providing effective first aid in case of injury of illness to a person at work. BASIC FIRST AID TRAINING. First aid refers to the emergency or immediate care you should provide when a person is injured or ill until full medical treatment is available. For minor conditions, first aid care may be enough. In such a fast-paced world, tragedies are commonplace, and bystanders are often called into action following an incident. This provides basic first aid knowledge to people 13 years old above for use of students, household workers and community workers. In order to save lives and prevent further injury, a person using first aid must prevent severe blood loss, maintain breathing and prevent shock. However, even after training, remembering the right first aid steps – and administering them correctly – can be difficult. Used by thousands of private and public organizations, these scenario-based programs promote learning and retention because they are designed to engage students, no matter their learning styles. Ready to take a Heartsaver First Aid Course? When a co-worker is injured, you have to act quickly, calmly, and correctly. 5 Basic First Aid Skills Everybody Should Know Emergency situations can arise anywhere, at any time, and without prior notice. BASIC FIRST AID TRAINING. Give trainees the quiz, if appropriate. MEDIC First Aid's video-driven, instructor-facilitated courses give you an easy, consistent way to train employees in lifesaving first aid, CPR and AED. This program offers trainings that are fit for day-to-day emergencies that lay persons may encounter, as well as trainings for special cases such as Sports First Aid and Wilderness First Aid. You can take a full classroom course, take a blended learning course (Heartsaver First Aid + a hands-on skills session training), or purchase additional course materials. Toothache: First aid Disclaimer: This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or formal first-aid training. This concludes the Basic First Aid for Medical Emergencies training session. For serious problems, first aid care should be continued until more advanced care becomes available. In order to help you deliver the right care at the right time, we've created this simple step-by-step guide that you can print up and place on your refrigerator, in your car, in your bag or at your desk. First aid is generally performed by the layperson, with many people trained in providing basic levels of first aid, and others willing to do so from acquired knowledge. This publication is meant to be used by trainers and individuals being trained based on common first aid tasks. Tasks are found in … Don't use this information to diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or disease without consulting a … Only first aid used for life threatening injuries common to children is discussed in this lesson. The AHA offers options for how you can purchase Heartsaver First Aid. Caregivers should complete basic first aid training before beginning child care employment. Choose from the … Training Circular 4-02.1 provides first aid procedures for nonmedical personnel in environments from home station to combat situations.